Friday, June 25, 2010


For the past 2-3 months I have been riding a roller coaster of energies, increasingly wondering if death was right around the corner but other times managing to maintain my normal activities. Up and down, up and down, sometimes mostly down. There were times I thought I was surely going crazy and I felt very isolated in my misery. Sound familiar? I've struggled with lots of health issues since February wondering what in the hell is going on! Having lots of training and practice with creating and manifesting what I want through feelings of gratitude and joy, I found it hard to resonate with people that were blissfully joyful about their life all the know those positive thinkers.

A couple weeks before the Solstice I had a breakthrough. I realized I'd been absorbing the accelerating energies of fear, worry and doubt from the Collective, becoming more and more influenced by the energies swirling around me. When I realized that none of it was ME I focused my innate warrior energy towards shielding and protecting my energy field by significantly changing some of my daily habits from what I watched on tv and the computer to my diet.

Just before the Solstice I became aware that I wasn't alone in my experiences and that lots of other lightworkers have been experiencing similar things building up to the Summer Solstice. As I began preparations for my Summer Solstice Ceremony I continued to feel better and better. Feelings of joy, hope and gratitude were returning.....just in time for the Solstice.

At the Solstice we opened a powerful portal and a huge number of humanity were able to shift into a higher state of consciousness. Since the Solstice I have been swamped with some of the most incredibly positive and powerful information. It's like we're walking out of the desert of fear and into a knew KNOWING on many levels. That doesn't mean our troubles are over or that everything is going to be rosey from now on. On the contrary! We're headed into some of the most challenging times of our lives. However, I believe we are energetically supported to make the choices from our hearts that will guide us in the right direction and remaining safe no matter where we are.

Let me share an experience I had on Thursday...

During our Solstice Ceremony the 13 women present created a beautiful Floating Flower Prayer where we consecrated each flower offering to the Goddess, whose face was literally lifting up out of the water, for a personal intention or goal. Then we recited some beautiful prayers around the pool of flowers. My custom is to leave the flowers floating until they are spent...usually about 5 days. I repeat prayers at the pool every day.

THE INCIDENT: Long story short, when husband Jon came home on Thursday he uncustomarily backed the car into the backyard and "accidentally" knocked the flower pool over and it was destroyed. Right before this occured I'd completed a beautiful meditation so I was in a very calm and centered place. My first reaction to the "accident" was shock followed by a powerful feeling that there was something much more to this "accident" than appeared on the surface. It felt like the 'church' had burned down. I stood there speechless for 2-3 minutes letting it all in. I immediately went back to my office and called a good friend who confirmed for me that I needed to reclaim the space and energy of the pool immediately.

First I repeated the meditation to get myself grounded and centered. While I was doing this husband Jon was cleaning up the mess and putting it back together the best he could. I asked him to do the same meditation so we both would be in the right place for the work we needed to do. We salvaged some of the flowers from the original ceremony and added lots of freshly cut ones from the yard. I was able to recreate and rededicate the original flower pool, naming each of the 13 women, and I could feel the energy was just as strong as before...EVEN STRONGER.  I actually think the pool is prettier the 2nd time.  My heart was full of love and calm. Spontaneously I went to husband Jon, gave him a big hug and kiss and told him how much I loved him and how glad I was that he was in my life.  Believe me, this was NOT the response he was expecting!  I assured him I was not angry or upset at him.

THE LESSON: There is a better way to respond to shocking events than flying into anger, rage or fear. I instinctively and automatically modeled the better way for myself which confirms something I never really believed I could do---not let my anger and fear get the best of me and the people around me. I know now that when shocking or challenging things come into my life I am truly capable....I KNOW HOW TO DO IT....of responding in a new and better way. I can remain in my heart and respond from a place of non-judgment and love and things will turn out BETTER than before!..AND I will remain safe and secure in the process. Something most sacred lay in a shambles at my feet and I was able to calmly rebuild it resulting in even more beauty and love. My response will also elevate everyone else around me. I cannot even begin to explain how HUGE this is for me personally. However, I also think I helped strengthen a new Template on the planet about responding in a non-judgmental and loving way. This ties in very strongly to the lunar eclipse on the June 26th. We have to choose a new and better way to respond to crisis that will create a better sense of security. 

RECOMMEND: I can't end this message without giving you the link to the beautiful and powerful meditation that helped so much. I encourage you to do it often. It's quite short and easy to follow and will totally ground you and shift your energy. I feel strongly that the energy I was in after this meditation is exactly the place we need to be in order to hear our inner guidance so we'll be safe at all times, no matter where we are or what is going on around us. Please share this prayer with others.

Mass Healing for Mother Earth -

You'll also find the meditation video just below on this Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kriss - I think this is a great post. I agree that positive energy starts with ourselves - the decisions we make about our behavior (and sometimes feelings can be influenced by behavior, as well as the other way around) can have a great effect on those around us and, in turn, the world.

    This is a great example of approaching a situation without stress, judgment, blame, anger, or even despair. And the end result was better than you expected. Keep calm and carry on! I always keep in mind a Gandhi quote I love: Be the change you want to see in the world.

    I'm sorry to hear you were so badly lately, but glad it's turning around.

    Love, Deane
