Saturday, April 24, 2010

Welcome - The Journey Continues

This new site is called The Evolutionary Journey because that’s what life is all about on this Planet. That’s why we’re here. Nothing brings me more joy than to help others in their Evolutionary Journeys. Everything we do, everything we experience, everything we learn is part of our Soul’s Evolution. I’ve been guided to share MY Evolutionary Journey in hopes it may strike a cord with you and perhaps help you on YOUR Evolutionary Journey.

I last wrote about the confusion and emotional challenges that faced me when presented with startling new information about my government. I’ll borrow a popular phrase for this now and in the future as “Going Down the Rabbit Hole”. The world I found there was very different than the world/reality I’d grown up with. Not having anyone to talk through this information with for awhile I felt quite isolated, confused and afraid. I desperately tried to “make sense” out of it all. That’s what I always do…try to make sense out of what I don’t understand…often it works. I sought out more and more information which ultimately convinced me there really was some truth down this rabbit hole. Enough truth to peak my curiosity for more investigation.

Before my paradigm of reality got blasted apart I was well on my way down the Ascension path. That all began in 1999 with a new practice called Lightbody Activation ( In 1999 this was cutting edge technology that easily raised the body’s vibration bringing 5th dimensional energy into the body and ultimately changing the body on a cellular and DNA level. It was glorious! I was experiencing very high states of consciousness several times a week. The higher energies/vibrations created a huge shift in consciousness and accelerated Change (with a capital “C”) in all areas of my life…especially emotional changes. I was releasing lots of old blocks and emotional baggage each time I had a Lightbody session. However, sometimes the release process didn’t go so smoothly and I’d find myself feeling the pain of old emotional blocks that needed to be released and transmuted. I had lots of different techniques in my medicine bag that helped most of the time but these issues required something far more effective. I needed to "pull out the big guns" for this. But what would that be?

When the heart seeks guidance and answers we often attract the perfect answers/information. I found that “something” when I discovered a powerful modality called The Formula of Compassion by Jelaila Starr. The Formula of Compassion is a multi-dimensional tool designed specifically to clear emotions and recode the DNA. Of course I researched Jelaila, read her books, had a session with her all before I decided she was the one I needed to work with. To make a long story short...a few months later I was on a plane to an Emotional Clearing Workshop in Kansas City with Jelaila Starr. I had NO IDEA what I was getting myself into! For 5 days I reached down deeper than I’d ever gone to pull out anger, shame and rage which brought me to a place of forgiveness and compassion I’d never experienced before. It wasn’t easy but it was worth the pain and tears to get to that place of forgiveness and compassion.  I learned that by denying the dark within me, instead of helping me along the ascension path it was actually impeding me.  I learned the VALUE of the dark and how it's just as important as the Light.
Here’s a link to an article I wrote about the process.

After years of neglect my Inner Child needed a lot of TLC and I learned that taking care of HER was the same as taking care of ME. I came home a completely different person. The true healing had begun…and it continues to this day. For more about the Inner Child:

And the work continues. Over the years I’ve done 3 Emotional Clearing with Jelaila and I’m honored to call her my friend. After my last post (see blog link below) someone asked me what did I DO next….how did I handle all the confusion and dispair after Going Down the Rabbit Hole? The answer is THE FORMULA OF COMPASSION. Check it out.

I’ve relocated my blog (formerly known as to this new GoogleBlog location. I invite you to check out my previous posts at the above address.

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