Thursday, December 9, 2010

Master Oogway

We just need to Believe. How perfect for the season.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Astrology update - Things feeling out of bounds?

We have 3 planets (Pluto, Mars and Ceres) that are out of bounds right now which means their expression will be off the charts, not always manageable. Yes...I'm counting Ceres as a planet because it's out of bounds and it's actually bigger than Pluto.  Pluto represents the deep transformative energies of our shadow work. Mars is the firey energy that gives an urgency to the situation and Ceres reflects all the nurturing territories of parenting ourself and others. So these are the territories within ourselves that are being triggered deeply at this time. Venus is traveling through Scorpio right now which is also the territory very much about shadow work. The required "equipment" when traveling through Scorpio is a virtual headlamp so you can always shine a light into the darkness wherever your gaze may take you. The darkness being your own shadow...judgments, resentments, unsatisfied desires and expectations, old wounds from past lives. So our 'sandbox' this holiday season will definitely be "interesting" . So the top of my Christmas list will be a headlamp! How about you?  Check back soon for information about our Winter Solstice and Lunar Eclipse.

ECETI Holiday Update 12/6

I concur with James Gilliland's message that we each become more and more aware of the LOVE that connects us to each other, the planet and the Universe.