Thursday, July 28, 2011

Recipe for Maintaining the Timeline of Creative Choice

Greetings fellow Lightworkers!

Ever noticed how absolute clarity comes in spurts in between long droughts of uncertainty and doubts? Anyway....that's how it is for me. I am experiencing exquisite clarity right now and whenever I experience something wonderful I always want to share it with you.

Amidst the high drama in Washington DC I find myself firmly holding to my Timeline of Creative Choice where the earth changes are minimized and humanity works together to create a new society based on the higher perspectives of Unity Consciousness. The economy is based on sustainability, not the destruction of the planet's environment and the enslavement of 99% of humanity. This is no "pie in the sky" type of vision. This is REAL and it is already happening right now all over the planet in the hearts and minds of millions of people.

However, when we plug into the major media we don't see that and we fail. The powers that "were" operate major media so we will be defeated by fear. What they show us keeps us enslaved to that fear and helplessness. We feel defeated. When we watch and read about the turmoil, the fighting and hate we are pulled off the Timeline of Creative Choice and Creative Resolutions. Even the most experienced Lightworkers can be pulled down into doubt, confusion and fear. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN! THE WORLD NEEDS EACH ONE OF US NOW!


1. Center yourself with several deep breaths, hold and release. Repeat "I desire connection to my High Self" 3X. Connect with your Higher Self by visualizing your entire body permeated with the brightest of Light coming down through your crown chakra from the Galactic Center. Don't rush this. Give this as much time as necessary. When you feel calm, centered and connected...


I am holding strong and fast to the Timeline of Choice day by day, moment by moment. I am defending it. I am drawing my line in the sand. I am taking a stand. I am completely immune to all fear, hatred and powerlessness transmitted to me through any method. I am doing whatever is necessary to stay on this Timeline.

I only watch or read media that supports my Timeline. I'll know it in my gut immediately if I'm wavering and make the necessary adjustments in my environment or attitude to maintain this Timeline.

I am a warrior of compassion and unity consciousness. I receive through my crown. I transmit through my heart. I reverberate as I emit a frequency of love.



Abundant Peace, Joy, Love and Freedom!............Kriss

Feel free to share this with others as long as you include the name & contact information of the author, Kriss Shellman

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Summer Eclipses of Awakening

I'm very grateful to Lahrinda Eileen for this new Symbala entitled AWAKENING brought to us at this most powerful time of the THREE eclipses!

To view all of Lahrinda's symbalas visit her website

This symbala symbolizes the possibility for Awakening that can occur through the deep transformative energies we're all experiencing this summer during three eclipses, beginning today, June 1st.  I planned to write my own article about these eclipses but ran out of time. Imagine my delight when I received the following article by Kate Spreckley.  Kate does an excellent job delineating these eclipses, the energy they'll be awakening within us and how we can work with them. I've bolded what I believe are key points.

Please feel free to share both the symbala and article, being sure to include full disclosure as to the artist and author and where to contact each of them.

Abundant Peace, Ease & Freedom.......Kriss

Energy Report for June 2011

The guidance this month is to not take things too seriously! The light-hearted and playful energy of Gemini brings a lighter aspect to our process of change and transformation. If we are to make it through the next few months we must learn to ride the waves of change joyously and positively. Deep inner transformation is the continuous theme and if we choose to hold a positive attitude during these often challenging times, we can maintain our humour, balance and sanity within our inner and outer realities.

The process of transformation and the shift in consciousness certainly holds some seriously uncomfortable and basically odious facets. Awakening is more often than not a painful process that brings to the surface of our minds, our hearts and our realities, the undesirable subconscious programming, beliefs and patterns that direct our emotions, feelings and thoughts. Our task is to transform these beliefs, patterns and programming into gifts of wisdom and truth and thus expand our consciousness.

To expand your consciousness and experience and live within a state of Divine Love, you are required to first forgive yourself for who you are, and the seemingly wrong choices you may have made. If you understand that you have chosen this life to grow, develop and evolve, you can accept that your experiences, choices and decisions have facilitated this process. Once you recognise that the many ‘wrong’ choices and decisions you may have made have led you to exactly where you have needed to be to awaken, to heal and to transform, forgiveness of self becomes effortless. Forgiveness is not a state of mind it is a state of being, a feeling that when felt for the self births compassion. Once you feel compassion for who you were, you are then able to learn to love who you have become.

The energy of June promises a month of possibilities and the beginning of a new phase of our growth and development. This looks to be a month when things begin to move forward more rapidly bringing a stronger sense of purpose and promise. We are at a fortunate time where the ability to leave behind the past and move into the new becomes a lot less painful. Many new situations and experiences will be revealed in the coming months and anything that may be obscuring your way forward will need urgent attention.

The astrological events we experience are indications of the Universal shifts that are presently affecting the world and each individual. It is astrological events, like the ones coming up in the next few months, that perfectly support us in processing, healing and releasing what is no longer required for us to change, transform and evolve. For the next six weeks the Universal energies will gift us with much needed help and support as we experience the power of three eclipses in a row, and the Summer/Winter Solstice. This process opens with the Gemini Solar Eclipse on June the 1st and concludes with the Cancer Solar Eclipse on July the 1st. These three Eclipses signify opportunities that shall enable us to awaken to an expanded vision of our individual reality and truth.

As this Eclipse season commences your subconscious beliefs, negative programming and patterns will come to the fore to be healed, transformed and released. It is vital that you are open and honest with yourself so that you can identify where these patterns, programs and beliefs create unnecessary challenge, struggle, pain and limitation. The power and energy of the next six weeks will support and guide this process ultimately bringing forgiveness, compassion and self-love. You will be released from the shackles of self-judgment, limitation and separation birthing the freedom you require to live your essential self.

Solar and Lunar Eclipses occur every six months and impede with the flow of energy to the Earth from the Sun and the Moon. The disruption of the rays of light from the Sun during a Solar Eclipse creates an opportunity for us to restructure and reprogram our consciousness. During a Lunar Eclipse as the Moon moves through the shadow of the Earth suppressed emotions that support and give power to our subconscious are exposed.

The first Solar Eclipse with the New Moon on June the 1st is a very positive time of growth. This eclipse will be the second eclipse in the astrological sign of Gemini in a long sequence of eclipses, in Gemini, that will conclude in May 2013. The Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon on June the 15th is said to be one of the darkest in history, as it will last approximately 100 minutes. As a general rule a Lunar Eclipse is a good opportunity to break any long standing habits and or conditioned patterns of behaviour and thought. Unobserved areas of your life or your inner self will be brought to your awareness to be resolved and released to make way for the new energy that will come with the second Solar Eclipse of July the 1st.

In amongst the three eclipses of the next six weeks we will also experience the energy of the Summer / Winter Solstice on June the 21st, which will add to the mix of intense and powerful energy. Using this time constructively and consciously working with the energies of these planetary alignments will aid you in becoming aware of how you live through and employ your inner wisdom, truth and power. If you are adaptable and take advantage of the powerful energies accessible now inner shifts and changes will bring you into alignment with the higher frequencies of light, delivering you into expanded levels of truth, freedom, joy and faith. As you embody these higher energies you will begin to function in a different way, reconnecting with and actually feeling the true essence of your being.
by Kate Spreckley

This article may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2011 Kate Ann Spreckley *

Kate offers private consultations, group channelings, workshops and teachings, all of which can be viewed on the readings page of this website.
Kate can be contacted at: * *

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Conversations With Gaia


There is no denying that it is time for all Lightworkers to make common sense preparations in their 3rd dimensional world while maintaining the highest possible vibration of love and compassion.  We've been told there is no safe place, only safe DNA.  So continue doing your personal emotional clearing which helps recode your DNA.  You might also consider doing The Four Multidimensional Activations that I offer which includes the 12 Strand DNA Activation.  These Activations help activate dormant DNA receptors which accelerates your Soul's evolution and expands your ability to connect with your own higher guidance.  WE ARE THE LIGHTHOUSES FOR HUMANITY.  SHINE YOUR LIGHTS.  

Here are some serious words from James Gilliland I'd like to share.....

Conversations with Gaia

I had a conversation with Gaia. We speak often. I told her stop telling me about all the insane actions of man, what they are doing to you and the consequences. She asked why? I said because the Powers that Be get real angry at exposing their reckless greed, the new agers get angry, call me doom and gloomer then blame me after the event for creating it. The whole world pretty much thinks I am crazy and the herd consciousness does not want any interruptions in their status quo or change. The fundamentalists think you don't exist and I am devil worshipping with no responsibility or accountability for their choices and actions. They blame God or the devil for everything. It seems the modern world has lost all connection, respect and empathy to the very source that gave them form.

Gaia said; This is true but there is a solution.

I asked what is the solution?

Gaia said; I will shake all their beliefs and misperceptions along with the Creator which comes in many forms they worship or ignore altogether. They will experience the reactions to their actions, the consequences of their choices, the fallacies of their beliefs. The world they created will come to an end. A new world will take its place. What is out of alignment with universal law, what is self-serving, what is harmful to humanity and the earth will come to an end.

I asked Gaia; I understand universal law, action/reaction and karma yet these mega corporations and the scientific oligarchy now controlling the masses are so embedded, humanity is so infected and willing participants in actions against even themselves and the planet how will this unfold? These psychopaths have weapons to generate massive quakes, manipulate weather, mind control, and their lust for power and wealth is insatiable even if it means their own demise. They are guilty of so many despicable acts now the people have become the enemy because if the people knew what they have done and are doing surely they would hang. How will this be addressed?

Gaia said: In their cleverness they have forgot wisdom. The cleverness comes from the ego that thinks it can outwit the soul. The soul will always create the conditions and lessons to bring the ego back into alignment with the soul. The soul is in alignment with spirit. The spirit is the Creator and is omnipresent within all Creation. There is no escape from the soul and the lessons just as there is no escape from the mother who gave of herself for the form to exist. That form can be taken away at any time if the ego and the form have become completely disconnected from spirit. This will happen individually and collectively.

I asked; Why does it seem to take so long before action/reaction or karma to kick in. If allowed to go on these psychopaths will kill the very platform for life taking a lot of good people with them?

Gaia said: I am not alone in the multiverse. Great beings are observing on many levels. Neither they nor I will allow this. Some grand lessons will come along with some grand teachers. The world the controllers have created is not sustainable; it is unnatural, void of spirit and out of alignment with universal law. The action/reaction and principle you call karma will be accelerated. There will be a quickening. What took years will take moments. I will shake, blow, wash, burn do what ever it takes to cleanse. The Sun will also do what ever is necessary to end the network and foundation of tyranny. There are other great beings and energies at play; which have been known for millennia; which will also come into play and I too shall go through a grand rebirth. It is part of my evolution and those who listen and are connected to me will evolve very rapidly to the next level. They will flow with these changes. Not all will make this shift for they have chosen a different path.

I asked; Why are you telling me this? We are back to the same problem. The beast and those who serve the beast get angry about being told their future. The new agers get angry when telling them about what will be necessary to bring about the demise of the beast accusing me of creating it or being a doom and gloomer. The hypnotized status quo does not want change or the status quo to go uninterrupted. The fundamentalists will say I am talking to the devil. It seems but a handful will understand and act on this message.

Gaia said: I will speak from here on out and in some cases very loudly with an undeniable voice. If you feel guided and it is appropriate you can speak for me for we are very close. Just know what you have spoken will come to past despite their beliefs and attachments. I am moving forward in my evolution they can join me or go the way of the beast. If they are going to join me they must learn to listen, live in harmony with each other and nature. All other paths will come to an end.

So it will be

James Gilliland

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2011: Year of Illumination

I think this eclipses any other messages you may have heard or read for 2011. I offer this with an open heart and only the highest intentions.